
If you're investing $50,000 or more, you can take more control of your investments with Stockspot Themes. Add extra assets, countries or market sectors to your portfolio when you join. Read more about how to choose your Stockspot Themes.

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Frequently asked questions

How were Stockspot Themes selected?

We have selected funds which offer low-cost, transparent and liquid exposure to asset classes, sectors and market factors that compliment the Stockspot Portfolios.

Why would I add a theme to my portfolio?

Stockspot Themes enable you to choose areas of the market you want a greater focus on in your portfolio offering you more control and personalisation. For example you might want additional exposure to certain geographic regions (such as China or the U.S.), asset classes (global property or bonds), or market factors (small companies, dividend shares or socially responsible shares).

How do I add or change a Theme to my portfolio?

If you are investing $50,000 or more, you can select your chosen theme/s when you create your account. If you already have a Stockspot portfolio, you can add or change themes via the Portfolio settings section of your dashboard.

How many themes can I add to my portfolio?

Stockspot clients can have up to 3 themes in their portfolio at any one time including a maximum number of growth and defensive themes based on your investment strategy.

How much will be invested into each Theme I choose?

We optimise Themes in your portfolio so there’s nothing you need to do. Each theme will typically contribute between 5% and 10% of your overall portfolio once fully implemented.

Do you offer smart beta themes?

The following Stockspot Themes offer focused exposure to specific market factors: Australian large companies, Australian small companies, Australian dividend shares, Australian socially responsible shares. For more information, see our views on smart beta.

Learn more about Stockspot Themes

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